Dungeon hunter alliance playstation store
Dungeon hunter alliance playstation store

dungeon hunter alliance playstation store

The story is ok as far as it goes, but there is no "but what happens next?!" compulsion that is essential for any kind of story. Looking at the skill tree is depressing because you know it is a chore figure out which two or three skills are genuinely useful and which are filler built on novelty and desperate experimentation. Picking through the slag pile of drops looking for something decent no longer has that "Eureka!" sense. Dungeon Hunter Alliance is a so-so game in a moribund genre. So much so that not even the promise of the 3rd installment excites me. Then Diablo II added a load of skills and it has been downhill ever since. The original Diablo was a time when you crawled to the level 3 dungeon and were genuinely scared when the 10-foot skeleton king with dozens of minions showed up. Dungeon Hunter Alliance is a so-so game in a moribund You can't go back home again.

#Dungeon hunter alliance playstation store plus#

So if you look at the more than solid structure of the game itself and add the move controls plus the multiplayer implementation, this is the most intuitive and original "diablo clone" especially when you compare it to other "diablo clones" in the downloadsector (torchlight for example). It delivers the "pc" feeling perfectly, because it plays similar to the mouse controls on this plattform.

dungeon hunter alliance playstation store

This works extremely well and is really a fun alternative to the dualshock 3, or let us say "gamepad" style of playing action rpgs on the console. What most reviews of the "popular" magazine didn't higlight enough is the very good implementation of the move controller. Considering the amount of re-playability, the motivating leveling system and the possibility to enjoy the game with 4 friends, makes this one an offering I cant resist. Sure one could argue, that this game is a plain copy of other hack and slay games. What most reviews of the "popular" magazine didn't higlight enough is the Great and entertaining game.

dungeon hunter alliance playstation store

I definitely recommend for DH:Alliance for anyone interested in coop games and simple dungeon crawlers a'la Diablo 2/Torchlight/PS2 Baldur's Gate:Dark Alliance games. Everyone knows Gameloft copies, but this copy works well, and for a cheap price too. Evil dark fairy, yes a fairy, is taking over the world and you, a dead king risen again to life, have to save the world. The story is absolutely generic 'because it has to be in the game' kind of crap. Locations vary from all the know basic locations, cemetary, forest, lavaland and caves. However, the auto-equip is not solid, so you spend a good chunk of time comparing items in your inventory. Looting is plentiful and there is even an automatic transmuting for loot based on your preferences of the quality. Nice way to make your character what you wanted it to be in the first place. There is also the generous option to redistribute skills and stats for a bit of money. Hope this is fixed in part 2 in the future. There are about 20-30 spells/skills to learn which is nice, but the level cap for each is five, which is too low. Leveling is straightforward business with two points distribution for strength, dexterity, endurance, energy and 1 skill point every level. The three playable characters, tanking warrior, healing-damaging mage and bow-knifing rogue is a bit little, but they are different enough to get more out from the game from a single-player point of view. Main reasons for this are that the basic gameplay is solid, there is plenty to do and that the looting works. The three playable characters, tanking warrior, healing-damaging mage and bow-knifing rogue is a bit little, but they are different enough to get more out from the game from a This is a straight copy of popular hack&slash dungeon crawler games, but there is nothing wrong with it. This is a straight copy of popular hack&slash dungeon crawler games, but there is nothing wrong with it.

Dungeon hunter alliance playstation store